Weblate sometimes uses the short form when creating a translation (sl in the case of Slovenian) and when I see that I correct it to sl_SI. OJS currently only supports the long form (though I’ll probably relax that in a future release to harmonize with Weblate).
As far as I’ve seen, the corrected sl_SI contents are indistinguishable in Weblate from the sl form it seems to use when creating translations.
Are you seeing problems with sl_SI?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, the sl_SI is the correct code. So far I have always seen the sl_SI in the Weblate. Just the last repos, mentioned above, have wrong locals. Se yourself (only one of them):
I believe there shoudl be only the sl_SI option available. I don’t know how the Weblaste works. I would assume it coudl be a problem of a certain configuration of the repos.
I’ve corrected it, also in coins and backup. It seems that Weblate follows existing patterns for locale codes to some extent, as it pulled the sl_DI locale code from my typo. I’m hoping it’ll revert back now that this has been corrected. Please let me know what you see!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team