Hi. I have a test installation of OHS and some sources (dspace, ojs, eprints) on it.
1s time I try to use MODS scheme with dspace, but it was not very good and I decide to use dublincore. I stop (close the tb) an update process, press the button “flush metadata” and delete this siurce.
Now, when I add it, I get not 100% harvest, but 2777 items each time (all archive is about 6000 items).
I try to make “dspace oai clean-cache” on a source side, i try to restart LAMP on OHS side, I try to delete row in the “archives” table of OHS database.
Any way to make a realy flush of all “old” metadata?
The “flush metadata” button is the best way to do it. If you’re not getting all records harvested, there are a few common causes…
If several repositories use identical record identifiers, there will be collisions. Make sure each repository uses unique IDs for its records. (This is normally done by setting the archive’s repository ID.)
If you’re using the web-based harvest tool, you might want to try the command-line one instead. Depending on your server, there may be time limits set for web-based requests, so your harvesting might get interrupted.
If your OAI data source encounters an error or generates invalid XML, that might cause the harvester to stop.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team