Hello to all!
Ti Is possibile to have a Watermark in pdf that users with subscription download?
I would like my pdf have written “Downloaded by …copyright…”
Hi @Matteo_Gulino,
You’d need to work with a server-side tool like pdftk
to add the watermark to your PDFs, and you’d likely need to write a plugin to OJS to add the watermark as part of the download process. I’m not aware of anyone doing this sort of thing yet.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I see that many Journal have this option. When users download article Thel have written sonething like "provided by The Journal (with The date of The download)
Hope there Is someone that is working with this plugin…
Thanks in any case
That is with medknow journals.
Being able to add a watermark to PDFs is a requirement that many journals and editorial boards have, e.g. for documents that need to be peer-reviewed and should have a watermark “Review version. Not for sharing”, or for downloaded documents to indicate download date and source. At least you should think of implementing a plug-in for OJS 3. Would that be an idea for a developer sprint meeting?
Hi @mpbraendle,
We select sprint projects based on what the attendees are willing and able to accomplish during the sprint – if someone attends with a strong interest in coding this, then it would be a suitable project.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team