My server is CentOS7.4, php5.6.37, apache2.4 and OJS 2.4.8-2.
I spent some time optimizing the server, gtmetrix gave a higher score, but loading on page ojs was still very slow
Can give me some detailed suggestions?
Thank you very much, I’m looking forword to your reply.
Thanks for Amanda Stevens and Clinton Graham’s help.
I find the enable_minified is turned on in by default.
Later I found that loading jquery took a lot of time. like fig. in below:
May be the reason for my server network service provider, and later I closed cdn in below
; Allow javascript files to be served through a content delivery network (set to off to use local files)
enable_cdn = Off
It’s amazing, my ojs web become fast like google!
Off openning /lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/jqueryUi.min.js
But I do not know what will happen in the future, I hope there will be no bugs.