How to increase Visibility of journal
Please refer to
Getting Found, Staying Found, Increasing Impact: Enhancing Readership and Preserving Content for OJS Journals, Second Edition. as a starting point for this.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your immediate response.
What is the difference between DOI and ORCHiD
DOI: Persistent, unique identifier for articles and other electronic publications Digital object identifier - Wikipedia
ORCID iD: Persistent, unique identifier for authors (researchers and contributors of scientific publications): What is ORCID? – ORCID
Dear PKP Team
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
I have one more query: Is there any website which deposit our data.
Could you clarify what you mean by “deposit our data”.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear PKP
I want to know about repositories service for our journal article.
2- How to upload our OJS website on Google Cloud Platform?
We have gone through PKPlink: Getting Found, Staying Found, Increasing Impact: Enhancing Readership and Preserving Content for OJS Journals, Second Edition.
We found most of the content is not updated, please update it. Again I am requesting you advise how to increase our presence in the present scenario.
Best Regards