More than once we had users complaining about receiving e-mail notifications regarding new issues, etc. Now, is there a way to turn off all notifications for a particular user and for all journals?
As it is now, I (as admin) have to “login as” the user, and go into the notifications page for each individual journal and disable the checkbox. It would be much easier if there was a default settings that could be applied for all journals.
Also, somewhat related, it is really hard to manage roles of users in the new OJS 3.X. Previously, as admin, I could see all roles in a single place. Now I can only see the roles related to the journal I’m viewing, and if I “login as” I can only remove Reader, Author and Reviewer roles. It is much harder now to actually see what the user can do…
Just to be clear: I assume that you are using OJS 3.3?
For the first issue: can you elaborate a little more on this? Are you using the announcement feature to send out a notice regarding new issues (because that includes a feature to not send out mass e-mail notifications).
For you the second issue: could you post that in a separate forum post, please and note the category as “Feature Requests”. We prefer to limit posts to one topic, so as to prevent confusion and to be able to track these kinds of feedback.
I posted both questions together because I feel they are one and the same from an admin standpoint: the ability to manage roles and notifications for the users in a centralized manner.
As it is, to manage both i have to login as the user and even then it is spread over all the journals, instead of being centralized in a single page with all your roles, and in the case of notifications, a default page with settings applied to all journals.
I know that I can prevent the mass email when an issue is published, but this is desired by most users. Some of the users don’t want that and we have to manually disable this for them…
We are doing some work on emails for the next major version, 3.4, and one of the things that I hope we will be able include is better support for users to opt-in/opt-out of all email notifications. I can’t guarantee we’ll get that into 3.4 but it’s a priority.
In terms of user management, a fair amount of work was done on this (see progress). However, that had to be put on hold because of some tricky problems related to user privacy for accounts in other journals (in short, a journal manager couldn’t create an account for a user that was already registered for another journal).
We plan to revisit this once we are able to add support for an invite a user feature.