User registration, set affiliation as an optional field [OJS]

Dear OJS-Community,
since we occasionally have authors without institutional affiliation, it would be useful if the “Affiliation” field in the user registration is optional and not mandatory. There are some hints in the forum how to make fields mandatory, but I did not find the reverse case.

As far as I understand it, I have to modify the two files:

  • lib/pkp/classes/user/form/
 * @defgroup user_form User Forms

 * @file classes/user/form/
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Simon Fraser University
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2020 John Willinsky
 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
 * @class RegistrationForm
 * @ingroup user_form
 * @brief Form for user registration.


class RegistrationForm extends Form {

	/** @var User The user object being created (available to hooks during registrationform::execute hook) */
	var $user;

	/** @var boolean user is already registered with another context */
	var $existingUser;

	/** @var AuthPlugin default authentication source, if specified */
	var $defaultAuth;

	/** @var boolean whether or not captcha is enabled for this form */
	var $captchaEnabled;

	 * Constructor.
	function __construct($site) {

		// Validation checks for this form
		$form = $this;
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'username', 'required', 'user.register.form.usernameExists', array(DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'), 'userExistsByUsername'), array(), true));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'username', 'required', 'user.profile.form.usernameRequired'));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'password', 'required', 'user.profile.form.passwordRequired'));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorUsername($this, 'username', 'required', 'user.register.form.usernameAlphaNumeric'));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorLength($this, 'password', 'required', 'user.register.form.passwordLengthRestriction', '>=', $site->getMinPasswordLength()));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'password', 'required', 'user.register.form.passwordsDoNotMatch', function($password) use ($form) {
			return $password == $form->getData('password2');

		$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'givenName', 'required', 'user.profile.form.givenNameRequired'));

		$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'country', 'required', 'user.profile.form.countryRequired'));

		// Email checks
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorEmail($this, 'email', 'required', 'user.profile.form.emailRequired'));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'email', 'required', 'user.register.form.emailExists', array(DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'), 'userExistsByEmail'), array(), true));

		$this->captchaEnabled = Config::getVar('captcha', 'captcha_on_register') && Config::getVar('captcha', 'recaptcha');
		if ($this->captchaEnabled) {
			$request = Application::get()->getRequest();
			$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorReCaptcha($this, $request->getRemoteAddr(), 'common.captcha.error.invalid-input-response', $request->getServerHost()));

		$authDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('AuthSourceDAO'); /* @var $authDao AuthSourceDAO */
		$this->defaultAuth = $authDao->getDefaultPlugin();
		if (isset($this->defaultAuth)) {
			$auth = $this->defaultAuth;
			$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCustom($this, 'username', 'required', 'user.register.form.usernameExists', function($username) use ($form, $auth) {
				return (!$auth->userExists($username) || $auth->authenticate($username, $form->getData('password')));

		$context = Application::get()->getRequest()->getContext();
		if ($context && $context->getData('privacyStatement')) {
			$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'privacyConsent', 'required', 'user.profile.form.privacyConsentRequired'));

		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorPost($this));
		$this->addCheck(new FormValidatorCSRF($this));

	 * @copydoc Form::fetch()
	function fetch($request, $template = null, $display = false) {
		$templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
		$site = $request->getSite();
		$context = $request->getContext();

		if ($this->captchaEnabled) {
			$publicKey = Config::getVar('captcha', 'recaptcha_public_key');
			$reCaptchaHtml = '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="' . $publicKey . '"></div>';
				'reCaptchaHtml' => $reCaptchaHtml,
				'captchaEnabled' => true,

		$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();
		$countries = array();
		foreach ($isoCodes->getCountries() as $country) {
			$countries[$country->getAlpha2()] = $country->getLocalName();
		$templateMgr->assign('countries', $countries);

		$userFormHelper = new UserFormHelper();
		$userFormHelper->assignRoleContent($templateMgr, $request);

			'source' =>$request->getUserVar('source'),
			'minPasswordLength' => $site->getMinPasswordLength(),
			'enableSiteWidePrivacyStatement' => Config::getVar('general', 'sitewide_privacy_statement'),
			'siteWidePrivacyStatement' => $site->getData('privacyStatement'),

		return parent::fetch($request, $template, $display);

	 * @copydoc Form::initData()
	function initData() {
		$this->_data = array(
			'userLocales' => array(),
			'userGroupIds' => array(),

	 * Assign form data to user-submitted data.
	function readInputData() {


		if ($this->captchaEnabled) {

		// Collect the specified user group IDs into a single piece of data
		$this->setData('userGroupIds', array_merge(
			array_keys((array) $this->getData('readerGroup')),
			array_keys((array) $this->getData('reviewerGroup'))

	 * @copydoc Form::validate()
	function validate($callHooks = true) {
		$request = Application::get()->getRequest();

		// Ensure the consent checkbox has been completed for the site and any user
		// group signups if we're in the site-wide registration form
		if (!$request->getContext()) {

			if ($request->getSite()->getData('privacyStatement')) {
				$privacyConsent = $this->getData('privacyConsent');
				if (!is_array($privacyConsent) || !array_key_exists(CONTEXT_ID_NONE, $privacyConsent)) {
					$this->addError('privacyConsent[' . CONTEXT_ID_NONE . ']', __('user.register.form.missingSiteConsent'));

			if (!Config::getVar('general', 'sitewide_privacy_statement')) {
				$userGroupDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupDAO'); /* @var $userGroupDao UserGroupDAO */
				$contextIds = array();
				foreach ($this->getData('userGroupIds') as $userGroupId) {
					$userGroup = $userGroupDao->getById($userGroupId);
					$contextIds[] = $userGroup->getContextId();

				$contextIds = array_unique($contextIds);
				if (!empty($contextIds)) {
					$contextDao = Application::getContextDao();
					$privacyConsent = (array) $this->getData('privacyConsent');
					foreach ($contextIds as $contextId) {
						$context = $contextDao->getById($contextId);
						if ($context->getData('privacyStatement') && !array_key_exists($contextId, $privacyConsent)) {
							$this->addError('privacyConsent[' . $contextId . ']', __('user.register.form.missingContextConsent'));

		return parent::validate($callHooks);

	 * Register a new user.
	 * @return int|null User ID, or false on failure
	function execute(...$functionArgs) {
		$requireValidation = Config::getVar('email', 'require_validation');
		$userDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); /* @var $userDao UserDAO */

		// New user
		$this->user = $user = $userDao->newDataObject();


		// The multilingual user data (givenName, familyName and affiliation) will be saved
		// in the current UI locale and copied in the site's primary locale too
		$request = Application::get()->getRequest();
		$site = $request->getSite();
		$sitePrimaryLocale = $site->getPrimaryLocale();
		$currentLocale = AppLocale::getLocale();

		// Set the base user fields (name, etc.)
		$user->setGivenName($this->getData('givenName'), $currentLocale);
		$user->setFamilyName($this->getData('familyName'), $currentLocale);
		$user->setAffiliation($this->getData('affiliation'), $currentLocale);

		if ($sitePrimaryLocale != $currentLocale) {
			$user->setGivenName($this->getData('givenName'), $sitePrimaryLocale);
			$user->setFamilyName($this->getData('familyName'), $sitePrimaryLocale);
			$user->setAffiliation($this->getData('affiliation'), $sitePrimaryLocale);

		$user->setInlineHelp(1); // default new users to having inline help visible.

		if (isset($this->defaultAuth)) {
			// FIXME Check result and handle failures
		$user->setPassword(Validation::encryptCredentials($this->getData('username'), $this->getData('password')));

		if ($requireValidation) {
			// The account should be created in a disabled
			// state.
			$user->setDisabledReason(__('user.login.accountNotValidated', array('email' => $this->getData('email'))));


		$userId = $user->getId();
		if (!$userId) {
			return false;

		// Associate the new user with the existing session
		$sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager();
		$session = $sessionManager->getUserSession();
		$session->setSessionVar('username', $user->getUsername());

		// Save the selected roles or assign the Reader role if none selected
		if ($request->getContext() && !$this->getData('reviewerGroup')) {
			$userGroupDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupDAO'); /* @var $userGroupDao UserGroupDAO */
			$defaultReaderGroup = $userGroupDao->getDefaultByRoleId($request->getContext()->getId(), ROLE_ID_READER);
			if ($defaultReaderGroup) $userGroupDao->assignUserToGroup($user->getId(), $defaultReaderGroup->getId(), $request->getContext()->getId());
		} else {
			$userFormHelper = new UserFormHelper();
			$userFormHelper->saveRoleContent($this, $user);

		// Save the email notification preference
		if ($request->getContext() && !$this->getData('emailConsent')) {

			// Get the public notification types
			$notificationSettingsForm = new NotificationSettingsForm();
			$notificationCategories = $notificationSettingsForm->getNotificationSettingCategories();
			foreach ($notificationCategories as $notificationCategory) {
				if ($notificationCategory['categoryKey'] === 'notification.type.public') {
					$publicNotifications = $notificationCategory['settings'];
			if (isset($publicNotifications)) {
				$notificationSubscriptionSettingsDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('NotificationSubscriptionSettingsDAO'); /* @var $notificationSubscriptionSettingsDao NotificationSubscriptionSettingsDAO */

		// Insert the user interests
		$interestManager = new InterestManager();
		$interestManager->setInterestsForUser($user, $this->getData('interests'));

		if ($requireValidation) {
			// Create an access key
			$accessKeyManager = new AccessKeyManager();
			$accessKey = $accessKeyManager->createKey('RegisterContext', $user->getId(), null, Config::getVar('email', 'validation_timeout'));

			// Send email validation request to user
			$mail = new MailTemplate('USER_VALIDATE');
			$this->_setMailFrom($request, $mail);
			$context = $request->getContext();
			$contextPath = $context ? $context->getPath() : null;
				'userFullName' => $user->getFullName(),
				'contextName' => $context ? $context->getLocalizedName() : $site->getLocalizedTitle(),
				'activateUrl' => $request->url($contextPath, 'user', 'activateUser', array($this->getData('username'), $accessKey))
			$mail->addRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->getFullName());
			if (!$mail->send()) {
				$notificationMgr = new NotificationManager();
				$notificationMgr->createTrivialNotification($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR, array('contents' => __('email.compose.error')));
		return $userId;

	 * Set mail from address
	 * @param $request PKPRequest
	 * @param $mail MailTemplate
	function _setMailFrom($request, $mail) {
		$site = $request->getSite();
		$context = $request->getContext();

		// Set the sender based on the current context
		if ($context && $context->getData('supportEmail')) {
			$mail->setReplyTo($context->getData('supportEmail'), $context->getData('supportName'));
		} else {
			$mail->setReplyTo($site->getLocalizedContactEmail(), $site->getLocalizedContactName());
  • lib/pkp/templates/frontend/components/registrationForm.tpl:
				<span class="label">
					{translate key="user.affiliation"}
					<span class="required" aria-hidden="true">*</span>
					<span class="pkp_screen_reader">
						{translate key="common.required"}
				<input type="text" name="affiliation" id="affiliation" value="{$affiliation|escape}" required aria-required="true">

Since my coding skills are rather modest, maybe you can help me how to rewrite the code in a way that the affiliations are optional in the user registration?

Thank you very much!

Warm regards

Hi @adm_sub,

What have you tried so far?
I don’t see any validation option set to required for the affiliation in the lib/pkp/classes/user/form/ that you posted. Just the required attribute in the input file in the template file (registrationForm.tpl).

Hi @Vitaliy,

thank you for looking into my problem.
I have played around making some changes to the registrationForm.tpl, for example changing the argument required aria-required="true" to ‘“false”’, without really knowing what I’m doing.
Since none of the changes did the trick, I preferred posting the unmodified code—with affiliation being mandatory—in the examples above.

@asmecher suggested in this post what lines to change to make a field optional for user registration, but he has not explained how exactly this can be achieved.

So if you could help me I would really appreciate it.

Kind regards

You are on the right path. Just compare how other fields that are not required look like. Remove required and aria-required attributes (as well as the as a span with asterisk and screen reader required info - for not to confuse readers). This should be enough for the affiliation.

You can take a look at W3 Schools explanation of the input tag and its attributes:

Hi @Vitaliy,

thank you for your hints.
I just changed the following lines in the registrationForm.tpl of the current theme (sys/plugins/themes/bootstrap3/templates/frontend/components) from

<div class="form-group affiliation">
				{translate key="user.affiliation"}
				<span class="form-control-required">*</span>
				<span class="sr-only">{translate key="common.required"}</span>
				<input class="form-control" type="text" name="affiliation[{$primaryLocale|escape}]" id="affiliation" value="{$affiliation.$primaryLocale|escape}" required>


<div class="form-group affiliation">
				{translate key="user.affiliation"}
				<span class="sr-only">{translate key="common"}</span>
				<input class="form-control" type="text" name="affiliation[{$primaryLocale|escape}]" id="affiliation" value="{$affiliation.$primaryLocale|escape}">

and it seems to work!

I did not change the files lib/pkp/templates/frontend/components/registrationForm.tpl and lib/pkp/classes/user/form/

Kind regards and thanks again

Great to know that it worked!

You can also consider the creation of a child theme of your current theme to make these changes persistent during OJS upgrades: Child Themes