User not remove from data base

Hi! I am using OJS I logged in as an Admin and remove a user from the user list. (suppose user name is Jhon)

The user(Jhon) is not showing in the user list, but If I logged in as the user (as Jhon), I am able to login. and it is not allow to create user in the same name (Jhon). Please help me out.

Hi @Abhiek,

yes - I see what you mean. This is unfortunately a quirk of OJS - you can’t reuse the same username. However, this has been improved in OJS 3.4, whereby login is by email, and not username: Add ability to login via Email · Issue #8871 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

So, you’d have to upgrade to 3.4 to take advantage of this feature.

PKP Team

Hi @Abhiek & @rcgillis,

Actually, it is possible to reuse a username – but first you must fully delete the existing account by using the “Merge Users” tool. Check the manual for details.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


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