User Navigation Menu instead of Primary Navigation Menu

Dear all,

I have upgraded OJS from the 3.1. to the version. There are issues with the Primary Navigation Menu:

  • before an user logins the primary menu shows only Register and Login although there are more items
  • once an user logins there is User Navigation Menu instead of Primary Navigation Menu (so twice, on the right upper corner and under the journal title)
  • in the setting I see both menus, but when I click on the primary to edit it the user menu opens

Drugin the upgrade I got followig errors:

2024-09-19 21:24:49 [code: Installer Installer::installDefaultNavigationMenus]
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 2, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 2, Title: Primary Navigation Menu, Area: primary) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 0, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.

Note: context 2 is my journal.

As I checked there are titles for all menu items (as suggested in one of the forum topics).

Any idea how to fix this?

Regards, Primož

Hi all,

found a solution/workaround by myself :slight_smile:

I created a new navigation menu and in the DB directly change it to primary, while the original primary change to NULL.
The new menu worked immediately. After adding menu items form the original menu I concluded that the issue was with the menu item ‘Current’ (linking to the current issue). That cased problems to me, so I created it again and now it works.

Regards, Primož