User is having articles auto assign to their dashboard

I have a user who has a few roles in their journal, however they have noticed that some articles will auto assign to them and some don’t. I looked in the logs and didn’t see anything out of place. Does anyone have any insight?

What application are you using?

Hi @sjackson,

A likely possible explanation is that they are assigned as a section editor, which is causing them to automatically be assigned to receive articles from that section: ? Could you check that this is/is not the case?

PKP Team

Hello RC,

The user doesn’t have section editor as a role. She has journal editor,production editor, and copy editor.

Hi @sjackson,

If you go to the section for which the articles are submitted to in Journal - Settings - (and then Edit the particular section) - do you see them listed there? They may be still listed there despite not having an explicit role of section editor assigned.

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

Checking that section I don’t see their name as one to assign.

Hi @sjackson,

Thanks for clarifying. I’m out of ideas as to what to suggest here, but I’ll see one of our other team members can weigh in when they have the opportunity.

PKP Team

Hi @sjackson,

In OJS 3.3.0-x and prior, if there was ever only a single user assigned to a journal role like Copyeditor, Proofreader, etc., they were automatically assigned. When there are 2 or more users in a role, that behavior will not happen.

This behaviour has been removed starting with OJS 3.4.0.

See for details: If you create a new role with JM permissions, they are automatically assigned to all new submissions · Issue #7103 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hello Alec,

There are multiple users with those roles and in this particular journal at least 9 JMs. This user does have a few more roles than the other JMs so that could be why OJS is auto assigning.


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