Is there any way to implement “User Agreement” for subscribers of OJS ver
eg, A user signs up and is presented with a User Agreement that they need to accept via a check box or some other acceptance mode to continue with signup.
We don’t have this in OJS 2.x, though you could add some reference to it in the submission checklist. For OJS 3.x, there’s a Journal Library in which you can upload blank forms, then the author can be instructed to complete and upload these to the Submission Library.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alex. I was looking for a place to put up a box of text and a check box for the user to accept the terms of use. This is outside the manuscript submission process and only during the USER registration process.
I see – there’s nothing available like that built into OJS, either 2.x or 3.x, and it’s not a requirement I’ve heard before. It might be something you can accomplish with some HTML and Javascript by editing the registration form template, off the top of my head.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can you share how we would get access to the registration form template? And can there be an conditional testing to verify a box is checked (filled in)?
The registration form template in OJS 2.x is templates/user/register.tpl. Adding fields and checking to make sure they’re checked before submitting is a relatively straight-forward Javascript/HTML task, if you have access to a developer who can do that; the only thing they’ll need to know about Smarty templates is that they use { and } for their own purposes, so you’ll either have to use {ldelim} and {rdelim} instead, or enclose the whole block in {literal}{/literal}.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team