Use of metadata for other languages

Hi all,

The way multilingual content in OJS typically works is this: there’s a “primary” locale, which is the one your journal considers its highest priority; then there are other languages, which are optional. Authors etc. will be required to fill in the primary locale e.g. for titles, abstracts, etc., and can choose whether or not to fill in the others.

When a piece of data is to be displayed, OJS will first look for the user’s current language and prioritize that one if there’s data available. If not, it’ll use the primary locale.

So, it shouldn’t be necessary to paste in data for all languages; just make sure there’s data present for the primary locale, and if you don’t have translations available, leave the others blank.

Pasting untranslated content will have some negative side-effects; OJS won’t know whether or not data has actually been translated, so might present untranslated content to external systems e.g. via XML exports.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team