Hi, iam use OJS for mulit journal (http://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id). Every journal have own email official, such as on JST journal have jst_journal@undiksha.ac.id for official email, JISH have jish_journal@undiksha.ac.id
Can i use these email(jst_journal@undiksha.ac.id) as sender from these journal(JST) rather than use global email address on config.inc.php?
Hi @resika_arthana,
did you enable “Allow Envelope Sender”
allow_envelope_sender = On
with all the additional settings in config.inc.php?
Then this address will be used for all journals Otherwise the “from” and “to” depends on the action.
In Journal Management → Management Pages → Prepared E-Mails you can see what is used.
Hope this helps
Claudia JĂĽrgen
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Hi Claudia JĂĽrgen
wow, Its work, thank you very much
Best regards,
Resika Arthana