My organization currently uses OCJ for journal hosting, but recently our URL changed for our bluehost account and now everything through OJS is showing inaccessible. Can you please let me know where I need to change the URL in OJS so that our online library will be accessible again? Many thanks
Hi @btiemann,
What/who is OCJ?
When you say inaccessible, is there a more specific message? The issue could be with your domain registration (outside of OJS), or with your webserver configuration, or something else (e.g. your OJS configuration, if the domain change also involved moving files to a different server).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
yesterday I received a 404 error, today it is timing out and saying that the server is taking too long to respond…but it is trying to connect to the wrong server (with the migration I have a new server I need it to connect to, but I do not know how to get into OJS to change it.
Hi @btiemann,
One way to tell if this is a webserver or domain issue vs. an OJS issue is to try requesting something like a text document. If your journal URL is e.g.
, then OJS’s index.php
lives at
. Trim off the index.php
part and add instead docs/README
, and you’re left with
. Requesting the equivalent to this using your own URL/path should give you the README document from your OJS installation. If this doesn’t work, you probably have some admin work to do outside of OJS, e.g. ensuring that your domain registration points to the right server etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
that is the problem…where our URL is pointing has changed and I don’t know where to tell OJS that it has changed
Hi @btiemann,
To fetch the README
document, you shouldn’t need to tell OJS anything about the new URL. If that’s not working, then there’s some webserver administration elsewhere (outside of OJS) that needs attention.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team