Hi, i’ve 30 old issue of the Journal that i want to upload as a unique and entire PDF. It is possible? There is a plugin that do it?
Now i use QuickPlugin but for article’s pdf only
Thanks in advance
Sorry for any misunderstanding. I meant 1 pdf for each issue and not a single pdf for all 30 issue.
Hi Alec,
the version is 3.0
Hi @dearqui,
As Editor, you should see an Issues menu item on the sidebar. Enter it, find your issue, and use the Edit tool to open it. There should be a tab called Issue Galleys; this is what you’d use to upload a PDF for the full issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, i’ll try to do it.
Hi Alec, i’ve try but there is a problem about download of the file. The download page (white) remains locked to download. Also the Galley Preview don’t start.
Hi @dearqui,
Can you check your PHP error log to see if anything relevant appears there?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, Journal is on your server. Have I to ask to PKPcontact@… for error log?
I’ve try to upload smaller files and it works. Probably the initial file was too big. (52Mb)
Hi @dearqui,
Yes, if you need help with something that’s hosted on PKP servers, please use the PKP contact email address to enter a ticket into our system. (Tagging @jmacgreg so he knows it’s coming.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We’re having a similar problem with our “full issue” not showing up for viewers. I’m suspecting our PDF may be too large, but I can’t find the size limit in the documentation. Does anyone know the PDF file size limit for uploading a full issue galley to OJS?
Hi @tjcuevas,
OJS doesn’t have a file size limit; these limits are configured at the PHP and web server (Apache) levels. See this FAQ entry.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team