can or not upload themes via ftp? where are can themes free to ojs?
FTP access will depend on your server configuration or hosting provider. You’ll need to check with your server admin or hosting support. From the OJS side, with a file-level upload you just need to place the unpacked theme plugin to your plugins/themes directory.
Most OJS 2.x theme plugins which I have seen are really just CSS customizations, but you’ll find some more complicated examples and customizations by searching on this boards.
can or not change background ojs?
Yes, you can make extensive changes to the appearance, including the background color or image, via CSS. Take a look at this CSS tutorial, especially CSS Backgrounds.
where I put the script?
You will want to upload your CSS file to Site Settings (Site style sheet) or to Journal Setup 5.6 (Journal style sheet). This is:
User Home → Site Administrator ->Site Settings
User Home → Journal Manager → Setup → 5. The Look
Thanks for guiding in editing theme CSS