Upload PDF to the "About the journal" block

I’m new with OJS. I want to link a PDF file in the content under the “About the journal” title, but I don’t see an option for uploading files other than images.
Is there any way to do that? I don’t want to link to external websites.

Thank you.


You can upload file to some folder on server and put link in that part.
For example, you can upload to http://mujournal.org/documents/nameflie.pdf
and put that link in text in that part. You cannot upload that file from within OJS . You will need access to server.

Hi all,

Starting with OJS 3.1.1, you’ll be able to use the journal library to make uploaded files publicly available. Until then, I’d suggest following @vvucic’s recommendation.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you!
Any Eta for 3.1.1 version?

Hi @alekstrust,

We expect it’ll be released within a couple of weeks.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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