Upload of pdf file in submission process

Hello, When I upload pdf file during the submission process in OJS 3.0 it gets to 100% and hangs there without prompting me that it is completed. When I exit from that by clicking on X upright part of interface. I see that pdf file is there normally.
I expect that OJS 3.0 will complete that on it own.
Please advise

I realized that pdf file is atcually uploaded although it was not confirmed. When I exit from the screen for upload I reload page and I see that file is listed properly. Hmm. that is strange.
How we can make that smooth. I guess that something on php and server is making issues. Can we make it server independent and some functions build in OJS 3.0 code?


Hi @vvucic,

You’re probably encountering a Javascript bug, which in turn may have been caused by a PHP error. As elsewhere, I’d suggest checking your Javascript console for sure, and likely also your PHP error log.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

please check p.m. in which I sent you more info.

Hi @vvucic,

Have you checked your logs as suggested above?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

That happenned on the server of hosting company that did not allow fileinfo. The same operation works fine on my 2 local computers with XAMPP. Thus, I do not think tht is issue of OJS 3.0

Hi @vvucic,

I can’t debug any further without error logs, but it is possible that it’s connected with the other issue you had, and may well therefore be resolved.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

please check this:

Hi @vvucic,

This doesn’t look like your PHP error log – note that it may be separate from your web server’s error log.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I cannot access that on that shared hosting account. Therefore we changed hosting cmopany.