I made the upgrade from OJS 2.4.8 to 3.0.2. After some difficulties, the system worked. However, two errors still occur: the following message: DB Error: Unknown column ‘a.include_in_browse’ in ‘where clause’; And the completely unconfigured home screen layout (www.revista.sabnet.com.br/revista). Can someone help me?
Hi @Lucas_Bond,
It sounds like the upgrade didn’t complete successfully. If it did, you should receive a message confirming a successful upgrade; if you don’t, you should either see an error message displayed, or it may be logged in your PHP error log.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok. How can I reinstall OJS When I try the following message appears: Duplicate entry ‘tinymceplugin-0-enabled’ for key ‘plugin_settings_pkey’
Hi @Lucas_Bond,
Are you trying to install over an already-existing database? That would explain the error. If you want a fresh install, make sure you start with an empty database.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team