i want convert my big database to 3.1 from 2.3.5
i read that , i should first switch to 2.4.8 then up to 3.1
in step 1,when i try to convert my database to 2.4.8 return this error:
Call to a member function GetRowAssoc() on boolean in /home/ojs/Project/ojs-2.4.8/classes/install/Upgrade.inc.php on line 779
how can i solve that?
Thanks in advance
Hi @mbabaei
This error in upgrade is related to importing notifications table content. The notifications system in 2.3.x isn’t particularly crucial, so you can always try to skip that step by deleting the contents of the notifications table before running the upgrade. You shouldn’t run into trouble.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
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