I am upgrading from 2.4.6 to 2.4.8 using full package (downloaded the OJS 2.4.8, extracted using 7zip on windows XP and uploaded using filezila, server is Linux). The upgrades through web interface gives blank page, on refresh/enter is shows
Errors occurred processing this form:
The form was not submitted properly.
the upgrade is on http://pubs.iscience.in/testojs/
I tried the fresh install as well. It is also not working.
Not able to figure out the problem. please help.
You haven’t mentioned addressing the necessary file permissions for the public, cache, and files_dir. If the webserver cannot write to these files, you will certainly get a fatal PHP error. See https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=PKP_Frequently_Asked_Questions#I.27m_having_file_permission_problems.3B_how_should_I_set_file_permissions.3F
The file permissions problem is a good first guess, but more details on the exact error will be available in the error log:
Check your webserver error log
Usually, this indicates that a PHP error has occurred and the message has been sent to your web server or system log file. Check there – e.g. /var/log/apache/error.log, although the exact location will depend on your server configuration – for further details.
Check your file permissions
If you haven’t installed OJS yet, then the most likely cause is a problem with file permissions in your cache/ or cache/t_compile directories. See docs/README for information on…
Finally, note that the process of extracting on Windows and then uploading to Linux is very unlikely to succeed.
It sounds like you are trying to transfer the files from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. Have you tried extracting directly from the tar file onto the server?
There are several symbolic links related to the Datacite / Crossref classes, and Windows and Linux handle them very differently. Git on Windows is also spotty with symlinks. If you’ve extracted the files on a Windows machine and then try to upload them via FTP/sFTP or zip them and move them to a Linux machine for unzipping, these…
Try extracting the tar.gz file directly on the Linux box, if possible.
thank you for first hand advice. I will try with the steps provided and see if could work.