Upgrade Remote Database


I’m setting up OJS 2.4.8 on the production server, now I just need to upgrade the database which is in another server, I can acess it remotely but when I run tools/upgrade.php upgrade nothing happens…

All database settings on the config file are correct.

Is it possible to remotely upgrade the db, and if it is, any idea of what’s wrong?


When you say that nothing happens, what do you mean? Can you describe in more detail?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello and thanks for answering.

And the database is not upgraded, nothing happens.
I currently can’t access the error logs, maybe they could show something…


I’d suggest checking the error logs, if it’s at all possible. I wonder whether your command-line PHP configuration (which may be a different php.ini than your web-based one) doesn’t have the MySQL module loaded.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Solved, the problem was that the php5.6-mysql module was missing on the server :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Note that care should be used with running the tools/upgrade.php script as root. It would be better to run this script as your web user, as the tool may write files/folders to your cache and or files_dir. If these files are then left with root ownership, your web user may not be able to appropriately manage them during normal usage.