When I upgrade from OJS2 to OJS3, all files of “submission_files” table have a genre_id=37 even images associated with an HTML galley file.
And they are named as follows in “submission/proof” directory: [submission_id]-37-[file_id]-[revision]-[file_stage]-yyyyymm.png
When I replace images files associated with the HTML galley file, they take a genre_id=46 in “submission_files” table and they are named as follows in “submission/proof” directory: [submission_id]-46-[file_id]-[revision]-[file_stage]-yyyyymm.png
Is it possible to modify update.xml files to set genre_id=46 for images associated with an HTML galley file ?
1) Were you able to have a look to change the appropriate update.xml file in OJS upgrade directory to modify automatically genre_id for images associated with an HTML galley file ?
I have an other request.
In 3.0.0_update.xml file, there is the following UPDATE for layout files:
UPDATE submission_files SET file_stage = ‘10’ WHERE file_stage = ‘5’;
And files in the “/submission/layout” directory of OJS2 are moved in the “/submission/proof” directory of OJS3.
In our case, we would like to move layout files into the “Production Ready Files” section of OJS3. To do that, I saw we need to do the following UPDATE for layout files:
UPDATE submission_files SET file_stage = ‘11’ WHERE file_stage = ‘5’;
2) My question is: if we modify 3.0.0_update.xml file to change the file_stage to “11” instead of “10” for layout files, do the files in the “/submission/layout” directory of OJS2 will be moved automatically in the “/submission/productionReady” directory of OJS3 during upgrade or do we have to modify an other script do to that ?
Thanks in advance for your both answers.
Best regards.
I just installed OJS3.1 and made a complete migration from OJS2
The images migration is solved! Images associated with an HTML galley file have now the good genre_id.
And in 3.0.0_update.xml, I changed file_stage to “11” instead of “10” for layout files, the files in the “/submission/layout” directory of OJS2 have been automatically moved in the “/submission/productionReady” directory of OJS3.