Upgrade from OJS 3.0.2 to OJS 3.1 problem

Hi @Ph_We

Luckily only the journal with ID = 9 seems to be affected :slight_smile: Also the sequence numbers for that journal seem strange… Hmmm…
Could you log in as journal manager of that journal and go to Settings > Workflow > Components and tell me what you see there (in the order/sequence the components are listed)?


@bozana, Here it is:


@bozana, de profundis clamavi ad te :dizzy_face:

We are a bit perplexed here. What we have now:

  1. A journal with the ‘genres’ table broken;
  2. A journal with all PDF buttons missing (they use external links to PDFs).

Am I right, that if we fix the table in the Journal#1, PDF buttons in the Journal#2 would reappear ‘automatically’? I.e. Are those two issues related?
And how should we fix it, assuming the picture above? :slight_smile:

Hi @Ph_We

Regarding genres: Could you please also post me the genre_settings with genre_id IN (97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 241, 242)

Regarding misisng PDF buttons: Do you mean you are using remote galleys and the links are not shown? If so, please see this issue: remote galley and supp files are not displayed on the article page · Issue #3007 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. And maybe apply the change proposed there i.e. pkp/pkp-lib#3007: putting patch from @ronniebrito into play until fixed · UIUCLibrary/ojs@5d618d1 · GitHub for now.


Hi @bozana,

OK, we’ll do.

Yes, they use links of this sort: https://www.hse.ru/data/2017/11/30/1161626205/ecsoc_t18_n5.pdf#page=40
(Please, note that #page=40. It works for them in 3.0.2)

So if those two issues are not related, should we still fix the table? :slight_smile:

Hi @Ph_We

Yes, it would be good to fix the genres table, if we can – to prevent other possible problems :slight_smile:


Hi @bozana,

Here are the genre_settings:

-> ;
| genre_id | locale | setting_name | setting_value                                                            | setting_type |
|       97 |        | designation  | 0                                                                        | string       |
|       97 | en_US  | name         | Submission Text                                                          | string       |
|       97 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.article##                                               | string       |
|       97 | ru_RU  | name         | Текст рукописи                                              | string       |
|       98 |        | designation  | 5                                                                        | string       |
|       98 | en_US  | name         | Abstract                                                                 | string       |
|       98 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.researchInstrument##                                    | string       |
|       98 | ru_RU  | name         | Расширенная аннотация                                | string       |
|       99 |        | designation  | 2                                                                        | string       |
|       99 | en_US  | name         | Info about Authors                                                       | string       |
|       99 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.researchMaterials##                                     | string       |
|       99 | ru_RU  | name         | Сведения об авторах                                     | string       |
|      100 |        | designation  | 3                                                                        | string       |
|      100 | en_US  | name         | EXCEL-file with all graphs and charts                                    | string       |
|      100 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.researchResults##                                       | string       |
|      100 | ru_RU  | name         | Excel-файл с графиками и диаграммами           | string       |
|      101 |        | designation  | 4                                                                        | string       |
|      101 | en_US  | name         | List of Formulas                                                         | string       |
|      101 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.transcripts##                                           | string       |
|      101 | ru_RU  | name         | Список формул                                                | string       |
|      102 |        | designation  | 6                                                                        | string       |
|      102 | en_US  | name         | Other                                                                    | string       |
|      102 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.dataAnalysis##                                          | string       |
|      102 | ru_RU  | name         | Другое                                                             | string       |
|      103 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      103 | en_US  | name         | Data Set                                                                 | string       |
|      103 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.dataSet##                                               | string       |
|      103 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.dataSet##                                               | string       |
|      104 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      104 | en_US  | name         | Source Texts                                                             | string       |
|      104 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.sourceTexts##                                           | string       |
|      104 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.sourceTexts##                                           | string       |
|      105 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      105 | en_US  | name         | Multimedia                                                               | string       |
|      105 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.multimedia##                                            | string       |
|      105 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.multimedia##                                            | string       |
|      106 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      106 | en_US  | name         | Image                                                                    | string       |
|      106 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.image##                                                 | string       |
|      106 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.image##                                                 | string       |
|      107 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      107 | en_US  | name         | HTML Stylesheet                                                          | string       |
|      107 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.styleSheet##                                            | string       |
|      107 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.styleSheet##                                            | string       |
|      108 |        | designation  | ##                                                                       | string       |
|      108 | en_US  | name         | Other                                                                    | string       |
|      108 | fr_CA  | name         | ##default.genres.other##                                                 | string       |
|      108 | ru_RU  | name         | ##default.genres.other##                                                 | string       |
|      241 |        | designation  | 1                                                                        | string       |
|      241 | en_US  | name         | References                                                               | string       |
|      241 | ru_RU  | name         | Транслитерированный список литературы | string       |
|      242 |        | designation  | 5                                                                        | string       |
|      242 | en_US  | name         | Abstract                                                                 | string       |
|      242 | ru_RU  | name         | Расширенная аннотация                                | string       |
54 rows in set (0.07 sec)


Hi @Ph_We

OK, that helps :slight_smile:
So you could add the default keys, like listed in the post above and according to the names, for those first ones, from 97 till 102 i.e.:

Genres 241 and 242 seem to be created and they can have the key = NULL.


Hi @bozana,
Thank you so much! So, to sum it all up, we need to do this:

  1. First, we should fix the genres table by adding the default keys (instead of NULLs).
  2. Only then we should do the upgrade to 3.1.0-1 (from 3.0.2).

Is the sequence important, and we cannot upgrade before the table is fixed?

Hi @Ph_We

Yes, that is correct, first the table should be fixed and then the upgrade script run – not to get the warnings/errors during the upgrade…


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