Today I made the upgrade to version 2.4.7, all is normal but when I run de command.
sudo php upgrade.php upgrade for update the database i have problems.
Error mesage:
“You are trying to downgrade the product “pln” from version [] to version []. Downgrades are not supported.ojs2: You are trying to downgrade the product “pln” from version [] to version []. Downgrades are not supported.”
The PLN plugin version that ships with 2.4.7 should be
What method did you use to upgrade? Are you sure it was successful?
As an aside, sudo for the upgrade script is probably unnecessary/unwanted unless combined with su to change to your web user, as in: sudo su apache -s /bin/bash -c 'php tools/upgrade.php upgrade'
Hi, first I upgrade ojs run this commmand
→ sudo patch –p1 < ojs-2.4.6-to-2.4.7 patch
after in the folder tool I run this commands and in the second i have the error with PLN
The commands patch -p1 < ojs-2.4.6-to-ojs-2.4.7.patch and php tools/upgrade.php patch are equivalent. Only one or the other should be used. Did you get results from running each?
I would strongly recommend using the “Full package” upgrade if you are not using version control (such as Git) to manage local changes. You are much less likely to end up with an inconsistent codebase, such as you describe above.