In every search I receive the message:
“Unfortunately the OJS search service is currently offline. The technical
administrator of this journal has been informed about the problem.”
Really search does not work
In every search I receive the message:
“Unfortunately the OJS search service is currently offline. The technical
administrator of this journal has been informed about the problem.”
Really search does not work
See this post:
Please search the forum before posting a question, in case someone else has already answered it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Please let us know when the service will resume.
Kind regards,
Hi @PachydermEd,
Are you encountering the same problem as @bhushan?
If so, it’s something you’ll have to fix in your own OJS installation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
The entire Pachyderm site is down. On Thursday we had limited access and since Friday the whole site seems to have crashed.
This is the message on the Pachyderm home page:
"Database Connection Failed”,
Kindly advise urgently,
Hi @PachydermEd,
Can you post this as a new thread in this forum? It’s not related to the original post about Lucene and searching.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team