Undo Reviewer Decline?

We are having a few issues with the review stage. When a reviewer declines an invitation to review an article, there is no undo option. We’ve had several reviewers say no, then change their minds or become available. Am I missing a step to allow them (or the editor) to undo a decline option?

*Application Version - OJS

Hi @hickeygamez,

Currently, there is no undo option, but improving on this is slated for OJS 3.4: Permit declined reviews to be reinitiated · Issue #4789 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

PKP Team

Any idea when OJS 3.4 will be available?

Hi @hickeygamez,

It’s due out in a few months. However, sometimes that’s a moving target and can change, but I believe that’s the estimate.

PKP Team

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