Hi. im using ojs im hosting 6 journal on a single installation of ojs. 3 of the journal ive had updated the css and no problem encounter.
for the forth journal i encounter this error.
Invalid journal stylesheet format. Accepted format is .css.
and im unable to upload jpeg file .
Errors occurred processing this form:
Invalid page header title image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.
since i had no problem with the other journal. what could be the problem?
Check your file permissions in the “public” directory, especially the folder matching the journal id of the journal with the problem, something like “public/journals/1234/”. This folder is probably not writable by the web user.
thanks for the reply
this is the error message
[Tue Oct 03 08:30:58 2017] [error] [client x] ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: WARNING: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied\n In file: /home/penerbit/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php\n At line: 306\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.2.10\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.0.95, referer: http://remove/manager/setup/5
[Tue Oct 03 08:30:58 2017] [error] [client x] ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: WARNING: move_uploaded_file(public/journals/9/journalStyleSheet.css) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory\n In file: /home/penerbit/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php\n At line: 112\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.2.10\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.0.95, referer: http://remove/manager/setup/5
[Tue Oct 03 08:30:58 2017] [error] [client x] ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: WARNING: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ‘/tmp/phprN4p4L’ to ‘public/journals/9/journalStyleSheet.css’\n In file: /home/penerbit/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileManager.inc.php\n At line: 112\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.2.10\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.0.95, referer: http://remove/manager/setup/5
usually the folder in the public/journlas/1234 will auto create… since it cannot create, i manually create the folder and set the permission.
now im able to upload.