In my ojs 3.4 installation i´m unable to upload bibliographic files , eg files with bib extensions .bib I alter the FileManager.php to add that extension, but i haven’t been successful.
Can anyone give me some advice or help?
Kind regards
In my ojs 3.4 installation i´m unable to upload bibliographic files , eg files with bib extensions .bib I alter the FileManager.php to add that extension, but i haven’t been successful.
Can anyone give me some advice or help?
Kind regards
Hi @joaoaires,
You may want to have a look at this post here: How to make Access deny for special file extension for a suggested plugin(s). You could try to make use of the Allowed Uploads plugin to do this.
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
Thanks for the advice . Unfortunately the Allowed Uploads Plugin is no longer available in ojs3.4
Kind regards
Hi @joaoaires,
Interesting. The plugin repository seems to suggest that it does: GitHub - ajnyga/allowedUploads: OJS/OMP/OPS plugin for limiting the allowed submission file types
But our plugin compatibility tool seems to indicate that it is not: PKP Plugins List
@ajnyga: are you able to confirm (or not) that this plugin works with 3.4?