Hi I had turned off the config file but after installing its the same version and nit upgraded to 3.2.
No error during upgrade just that its the same version.
Hi I had turned off the config file but after installing its the same version and nit upgraded to 3.2.
No error during upgrade just that its the same version.
Can you explain more, please?
can you explain the problem, more detail please ?
Sorry i am very new to OJS. Basically i am trying to upgrade my OJS 3.1 to 3.2 but am finding it difficult as to how do i go about it.
The below i get after instillation.
Error Number: 1146
Table ‘biomesci_osj.published_submissions’ doesn’t exist
select s.submission_id as subid,ss.setting_value as title,ps.date_published as date_published, secs.setting_value as section_value from issues as i right join published_submissions as ps on i.issue_id = ps.issue_id left join submissions as s on ps.submission_id = s.submission_id left join submission_settings as ss on ss.submission_id = s.submission_id left join section_settings as secs on secs.section_id = s.section_id where journal_id = 1 and i.issue_id=(select max(issue_id) from issues) and ss.setting_name = ‘title’ and secs.setting_name = ‘title’ order by i.issue_id desc;
Filename: controllers/Main.php
Line Number: 165
Hi @D_tu_asi,
That’s custom (third party) code; OJS doesn’t contain that query. It’ll need to be updated to work with OJS 3.2. See the OJS 3.2 release notebook for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team