Unable to cc when sending notification


I would like to be able to cc others into the notifications to the authors or the reviewers when sending emails to them. Is the possible?

I would also like to attach files to the emails but this option does not seem to be available - can this be done?

Sometimes reviewers include their names in the reviewers attachments. How do I upload new reviewers attachments once I have edited their names out of the attachment?

Thank you

Hi @Robyn,

Adding addressing controls to the emails is filed for improvement at Add recipient control on email forms · Issue #743 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

To revise a reviewer’s attachment, you should be able to click “Read Review” as Editor, and under Reviewer Files, click Upload File.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Dear Alec

I am using OJS 3.1 and when I notify a user in any capacity this is what I see:

Where do I add a cc in this?

Kind regards

Robyn Marais

Journal Manager

Medpharm Publications

Cell: 083 459 5580

Tel: 012 807 5440

Email: robyn@jesser-point.co.za

Hi @Robyn,

Adding addressing controls to the emails is filed for improvement at [Add recipient control on email forms · Issue #743 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub]. This hasn’t yet been implemented. Meanwhile, you can use the Discussions tool to have discussions with arbitrary recipients.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team