On commit 7370fa stable-3_1_2, I have noticed that /js/build.js and /styles/build.css are in .gitignore, but are needed in various parts of the UI, e.g. the plugins tab, the user-role edit feature (see below), etc. … actually they seemed to be called pretty much everywhere. Are these legacy imports that should be replaced by a different mechanism?
From some notes I made a few months ago, investigating a different issue (solved now), I see that I had noticed these files were not present. Because at the time, I was moving from a full install downloaded from pkp’s main website to using the source from github, and because I was still trying to figure out the system, I had simply copy-pasted the files from the full install archive. That had worked, and I forgot about it.
It seems that I either need these files to work, or a fix to include the new mechanism. I am happy to work things out by myself, and create a PR, but I thought I would check in with you before.
Thanks again!