Type of installation

We can do a complete local installation or it will be a connection to a external entity in order to publish our content ?

Hi @Jesus_Sanmiguel,

I’m not sure if I understand the question, but I think you’re probably asking about how you can deploy OJS.

Most OJS users have their own servers and install OJS there to run the journal. Then authors, reviewers, editors, etc. interact with OJS via their web browsers.

There are also service providers that can manage your OJS installation for a fee – for example, we run PKP Publishing Services. But OJS is free software, so if you have a server and some technical skills, you can download it for free and run it yourself.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher thanks for the info. That means than we can deploy the OJS in our local environment and set it up to local or external interaction, it will depends of our needs and our security configurations.

If your institution has server you can install it on your server so you can interact with it externally as well as your authors, reviewers, readers…

Is possible to have the basic Solution Architecture Diagram. Where the documents should be stored ?

Hi @Jesus_Sanmiguel,

Have a look at the OJS Technical Reference; it’s badly out of date (which we’re working to improve) but the fundamentals are there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team