Hello, When we fill the form with metadata we have to input methods. One is to press enter after each term and move to another filed by pressing Tab or clicking on other filed using mouse.
Other method is to type as manz words as it is needed and press Tab to move to another field or by using mouse.
I would suggest that we do have one input method for that page. IT is confusing when it is needed to use two input methods.
Language, keywords, subject… do have the same, but fields that are above Language i.e. type, source righst do have different input method. Is it needed to have different input methods?
Some of the fields use the Tag-It library, which is 3rd-party code and unfortunately doesn’t appear to support changing keybindings without requiring a code modification. I suppose you’d need to modify that code in order to change what the keyboard interactions are.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am in favor of one input method whichever you use. Two types of input are confusing. For example, if user press Enter after typing in the filed Type: Text the user will be directed to other tab. But, in lower fields ie. keywords , language etc. Enter is key that separate terms.
So, that is confusing and my experience is that users make mistakes.
I do not ask to change code of third party. I am just thinking that one input is sufficient.
I Hope I am clear.
Our code uses standard key-bindings (tab to switch between fields, enter to submit, etc.) per the browser default. We use a third-party widget for some fields, however. That widget is what is causing the inconsistency in behavior, and it’s not possible for me to change its behavior without modifying its code.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I understand and I am not complaining on the fact that you have to change code but you cannot. So, my proposal is to choose either one or another method of input and solve the problem.