Hi, some custom made plugins are raising this error on install:
You are trying to downgrade the product “ojs2” from version [] to version []. Downgrades are not supported.
The main problem is that in some journals work but in others no, these are two of the problematic plugins GitHub - daxslab/daxs-ojs-base-theme: 2.4.x Open Journal Systems base theme that replaces templates without change core code and GitHub - daxslab/ojs-social-metatags: Adds Open Graph and Twitter Cards meta tags to Open Journal System Journals
I will really appreciate any help.
Hi @cccaballero,
Generally speaking, this means that the plugin installer couldn’t match the plugin’s version.xml
information against the plugin. Did you name the plugin directory after the value inthe version.xml
descriptor’s application
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, thanks for your answer, what you mean with “name the plugin directory after the value inthe version.xml descriptor’s application entry”?
This is the xml of a plugin:
It is a compressed file called socialMetatags.tar.gz and when I unzip it, gets a folder called socialMetatags with all the plugin files inside (including the xml of course).
Hi @asmecher look here how @EPrempeh solve the install problem (at least partially).
Hi @asmecher, I just find the problem. Plugin versions under (by example cause the error. Is that a bug or a feature?
Hi @cccaballero,
It’s entirely possible that this is a boundary case that we haven’t tested. I’d suggest starting with if that seems to solve the issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team