I translated manager.xml file and after clicking on Save button it turned to be greyish and after a couple of seconds it returned its normal color. When I tried to correct typo in existing translation of one key in teh same manager.xml the fields turned to be grey without possibility to change anything. I clicked on Save again and teh button turned to be greyish and after a couple of seconds it got back its normal color. When I exited manager.xml and returned back I realized that changes are not being saved.
Please check why it happens.
Hi @vvucic,
Do file permissions permit PHP to modify that file?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, indeed. I realized that the process of saving is slow. Thus, if translatior enters many changes and translates many keys it takes quite considerable amount of time to save the data without prompting that saving is in progress. On my local system I allocated 512 MB of RAM for XAMPP with OJS.
Thus, if I see that button is greyish and that turnes back its normal color that does not mean that saving is completed. So if translator wrongly thinks that the saving is finished and close that tab the changes will not be saved and translator will not be warned that saving is in progress and that changes will be lost if the process of saving is interrupted. I have to do 3 hours work again
Please check that mechanism.
Hi @vvucic,
Wow, I’ve never heard of such a long process to save a locale file – we’ve used the current version of the translator plugin a few times, for OMP 1.2 and OJS 3.0, and so far it’s been OK.
@mtub, have you heard of performance issues? Perhaps with large locale files?
I know that certain file-intensive processes take much longer on Windows machines compared to Linux/MacOSX ones (e.g. the installer), but this does sound exceptional.
As I recall, the spinner corresponds to the “save” request, so I would expect the spinner to stop only when the changes have been saved. This is something that you could confirm with a developer toolbar like Firebug, which can show when operations are in progress.
If you’re doing large amounts of work, have you considered working with the XML files directly? That may be less painful than working through a web interface of any sort. As far as I know, we have translators working using both methods – but again, @mtub may be able to confirm.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I will do directly on xml files but these are already partially done so in xml there are no keys that are not completed and it is quite tedious work to check which keys are missing and which not.
Obviously, it is suggested to save after each a couple of changes to make sure that everything is done fastly.
I attached to this message how it looks like when I do not get prompt that saving is in progress during attempt to correct typo although Save button returned its default color.
please check
Hi @vvucic,
Check your PHP error log; I suspect something relevant will be logged there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
pleae check pastebin here
Hi @vvucic,
That looks like your access log. Can you check your error log?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
please check this
It seems to me that there is some bug in translator plugin since I do have again the same issue as I described before. Clicking on Save does not result in Saving the changes.
When I closed tab and entered again changes they were saved normally. Any memory leakage issue?
Hi @vvucic,
The warnings in the log above can be corrected by applying this change – but it’s cosmetic and shouldn’t be causing the issue you describe.
I’m afraid I haven’t been able to replicate the behavior you’re encountering – if you’re able to narrow down how to cause it to happen repeatably, that would be helpful! If you’re handy with a developer toolbar like Firebug for Firefox, perhaps try inspecting the returned results of the POST
requests that are used to save the changes.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have got it again as I described in previous post. When I closed tab and entered changes again everything worked perfectly.
I started to trranslate another xml file and I have got the same issue again after a couple of minutes of work.
Note: I entered change as you mentioned. I will keep you posted on behavior of plugin.
I am now in the middle of issue and I opened Firebug. Which infor from which panel you need in order to detect strange behavior.?
THis is from POST
I copied infor from all tabs related to POST
@asmecher, while I cannot tell what is going wrong in @vvucic’s install, I can confirm that we run into problems with the plugin in other cases, too. I haven’t observed anything like what @vvucic describes, the most frequent problem I run into is that the saving button can be pressed, that saving then apparently times out and another try at saving fails with the error message of “file not in the correct format”.
I am working with @vvucic to get his translation work completed on another way, but we really should look at the translator plugin if we want to recommend it for future use.
I often witness that when I click on button it does not react. but, after the second click a couple of seconds later it performs Save operation (with fingers crossed).
I have to complete translation that is partially done by using plugin. I will do transliteration directly in xml.
However, as much problems we do have we will better polish up OJS
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