Dear PKP Translators:
First and foremost, thank you for your ongoing support and contributions as a translator for the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). We hope you have been enjoying using Weblate to translate our software. One thing is for sure, you’ve certainly been busy! Since we launched Weblate in January 2020, 14 new languages have been added including Japanese, Macedonian, and Hebrew (just to name a few).
In preparation for the release of OJS/OMP/OPS 3.3 in Q1 (January-March) 2021, PKP has announced three release candidates for community testing. At this time we would like to also ask that all translators complete any outstanding translations by the end of January 2021 for inclusion.
A reminder, if you need assistance, to please check out our Translation Guide on the PKP Docs Hub and/or use the Translator Category on the PKP Community Forum to connect.
On behalf of our entire team, thank you again for your contributions.
Kind regards,
PKP Development Team