question about translating via
I have choosr Ukrainian language and start translating. but when i download translation, site generates code “uk” instead of “uk_UA” how it can be fixed?
question about translating via
I have choosr Ukrainian language and start translating. but when i download translation, site generates code “uk” instead of “uk_UA” how it can be fixed?
Hi @redukr,
Weblate sometimes uses two-letter language codes; OJS uses the longer form. When I merge translation updates from Weblate I make sure to convert them if necessary, so you shouldn’t need to worry about it. Are you experiencing problems related to that?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
nope. i just rename folder’s from “uk” to “uk_UA”
but i have to add string to some config file, because Ukrainian was not present. but now i cannot find where i made that changes
Hi @redukr,
That’s probably registry/locales.xml
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
also i notice that some warning appear in
Hi @redukr,
Yes, don’t worry about those – they shouldn’t interrupt translation work. We are still tightening up our Weblate integration and meanwhile these will appear sometimes.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher thank you!