How do i send a message from system to someone who isn’t user yet?
For exemple, i want to invite a professor to make his cadastre and log in.
Hi @sabrina,
OJS has many email forms, and on most of them the recipient’s address can be changed to whatever you like. Depending on what kind of contact you want to have with the user, there are a couple of options…
- If an journal wants to invite an Author to create an account, I’d suggest using the Journal Manager’s “Prepared Emails” interface. There you can create an email template and then use the letter icon to compose a message using that template.
- If an Editor wants to invite a new Reviewer to participate in a manuscript review, it’s common to create an account and invite the reviewer to use it if they want. This email would include credentials.
If you want to do a mass mailing, then it’s best to use something outside of OJS; OJS isn’t intended as a mailing list tool.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team