Hello, I have noticed that the filed of title of static pages have limitation to number of characters. Can we increase it so we can have more space for title?
Is it safe to do that in phpmyadmin?
Hi @vvucic,
Which application and what version are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry, I thought that I mentioned that. I use OJS 3.0.1.
I found template file in plugin and increased value of maxlength for title.
In file editStaticPageForm.tpl there is line
{fbvElement type=“text” label=“plugins.generic.staticPages.pageTitle” id=“title” value=$title maxlength=“40” inline=true
I increased value to 80 so I can enter bigger titles.
For example:
Hi @vvucic,
Thanks – I’ve committed that change: GitHub - pkp/staticPages: Plugin permitting the creation of static pages like a CMS (OJS 3.0+ and OMP 1.1.1+)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team