After failed upgrade, I try to restore database manually to its original structure.
Now the problem is the title of each article / submission not shown.
for example
In administration page there some unusual printed string :
a:4:{s:10:“uploadName”;s:30:“pageHeaderTitleImage_en_US.png”;s:5:“width”;i:1000;s:6:“height”;i:125;s:12:“dateUploaded”;s:19:“2012-12-09 09:03:14”;}
I trace to this file
with this method
function getLocalizedTitle($preferredLocale = null, $includePrefix = true) {
$title = $this->getLocalizedData(‘title’, $preferredLocale);
if ($includePrefix) {
$prefix = $this->getLocalizedPrefix();
if (!empty($prefix)) $prefix .= ’ ';
$title = $prefix . $title;
return $title;
I think the function is calling
function getLocalizedData($data, $locale) {
foreach ($data as $element) {
if (isset($data[$locale])) return $data[$locale];
return ‘’;
But I can not find the sql query or any hint.
Please help me how to fix this problem…
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