Although this is the standard TinyMCE behavior and usually the expected and desired HTML output, I actually need the output to be italic. In Chrome, <\em> is both italic AND bold…
There seems to be a way to prevent this, but I can’t find the init file for TinyMCE.
Apparently not. I believe it’s a browser rendering issue for <i>, <b>, <strong> and <em> tags.
No matter what I do, <em> comes out bold and italic, but I only need italic. It’s for the reference rules for articles, where semantic is not as important as the visual style (in this case, it would be nice to have both…).
Hello all,
There’s also a little version issue. I just noticed that OJS’s version of TinyMCE (at least what shows up in tiny_mce_src.js) is 3.4.9, from febreuary 23 2012…
Moxicode, developer of TinyMCE has a 4.1.9 version and it also has a JQuery version of it…
Another point is that the Static Pages Plugin has its own tinymce, I believe…
I don’t know if using a CDN is a good choice, but it’s available as well.
We’ve upgraded TinyMCE to 4.x for release in OJS 3.0 when that’s ready, and moved to composer dependencies instead of buliding the libraries into the git repository directly, which will allow us to more easily stay up to date. We’re unlikely to back-port similar changes to OJS 2.4.x, though.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
TinyMCE 4.x isn’t a drop-in replacement – you’d need to do quite a bit of coding to get it working with OJS 2.4.x. If your goal is to get <i> and <bold> working, I suspect it’s a configuration thing rather than a TinyMCE version thing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I finally figured out why my <em> tags were bold: it was the @import rule for Open Sans that was missing some font styles, breaking the CSS and displaying it bold (why, I have no clue…).