I’m facing a slow journals and articles details pages since the upgrade from to
My Config is :
Debian 12 with Apache 2.4.57
Php 7.4.33 and MariaDb 10.11.4
My journal Home page ois : https://revue.umc.edu.dz/index.php/h
I tried to change php version to 8.0 and 8.1, tried to disable plugins for this journal, I also watched the apache2 error.log and everything seems good…
Here is Pingdom performance test of my site : with 7 secondes of Wait (time to first byte)
The static pages are fast and the only pages slow are the journal home page and the article details page…
If anyone has any idea, please help
I have exactly the same problem and I can’t find a solution to this problem. The damage that the journal is suffering due to this error is very serious for us.
Hi all,
It’s hard to guess from afar what might be causing this, but here are a few suggestions to explore:
- Make sure your database server is running on the same machine as the webserver (i.e. Apache is running on the same box as MySQL). Due to the number of queries involved in assembling a rich page, OJS will currently not run well if the two are on different machines.
- Try simplifying the page presentation down to identify potential bottlenecks. For example, if you are presenting article readership statistics in a sidebar block, try temporarily disabling that plugin to see if it improves load times.
- If you have any customizations or a 3rd party theme, try (temporarily) returning to the default theme without customizations to see if that resolves the bottleneck.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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