I’m setting up the metadata mapping to get records into Worldcat Digital Collection.
OCLC’s instructions stay that you can map a thumbnail image by doing the below but I can’t find anyplace the thumbnail URL is stored in OJS much less mapped as a Dublin Core element. Is this possible or not?
From http://www.oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/gateway/gettingstarted/tutorial.pdf: Adding a thumbnail image: You may find it desirable to install a thumbnail image into the WorldCat record. When the record appears in WorldCat.org, a thumbnail image can help the user decide whether the item is of interest. 1.Click the highlighted thumbnail area on the left side of the screen. The Edit Mapping box appears. 2.In the drop-down list of Dublin Core elements, find and click the identifier:2 element (or whatever Dublin Core field your repository uses to store the URL of the thumbnail). 3. Click Add to add that image URL to the thumbnail URL field.