Three problems in OJS 3.1.1

Good afternoon,

First of all, congratulate everyone for the great OJS and because it is a pleasure to see the collaboration in PKP. I have arranged many things from the darkness reading to you. :slight_smile:

Now I’m going with the difficulties I’m having after updating to OJS 3.1.1 from OJS 3.0.2. I am under the following characteristics:

OS Platform: Linux
PHP version: 7.1.11
Apache version: Apache
Database driver: mysqli
Database server version: 5.5.55-0 + deb7u1-log

There are 3 problems.

The first is that I can not update plugins. When I give the update button, it does not take any action. Attached image.

!No actualizas

The second is that, I do not know if related to the above, when I activate and configure the Citation Style Language plugin, it does not appear in the published articles.

Finally, in the revisions panel it remains infinitely loaded. Attached image.

Cargando indefinidamente

Once again, thank you very much.

Hi @jmbarroso,

Thank you for the kind words about OJS! I’m happy to hear it has benefited you.

When you try to update a plugin and get the pop-up box asking if you are sure you want to update it, what happens when you click “aceptar?” Do you get another error message or does nothing happen?

To resolve all 3 issues, you should check your error log to get more information about what is going wrong.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team