This journal is currently not accepting user registrations. Login

i have installed OJS 3.2.1-1 …when i click on register , it says

This journal is currently not accepting user registrations.
i need help please


In the dashboard on your admin account, go to Users & Role > Site Access Permission > User Registration, and select the first option to allow users to register with your journal :slight_smile:

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Dear pheckler
thank you soooo much dear for your response. May Allah bless you and reward you…

Thank you, sir/madam. It helped. Regards

there isn’t this option “Users & Role” in the dashboard in may admin account…

Our instalation is new (not updated) and we are using OJS

We are receiving this information everytime after we loged like admin:

“The current role does not have access to this operation”

OBS.: we have just one user in our instalation…

Thank You
Ed Mendonca