My clients can submit papers accuratley but they only receive the error
“There was a problem sending an email , please contact your system administrator or try again latter” even though there is no problem with submitting the paper…
Hi @noor2k9,
Double-check OJS’s email delivery configuration (particularly the smtp
options in
). This message means that OJS tried to deliver an email, but it was rejected.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear asmecher
Thanks for your reply i have checked my configurations in , it is as follows
; Email Settings ;
; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = on
; SMTP server settings
smtp_server =
smtp_port = 465
; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: ssl, tls
smtp_auth = tls
smtp_username =
smtp_password = mypassword
; Enable suppressing verification of SMTP certificate in PHPMailer
; Note: this is not recommended per PHPMailer documentation
; smtp_suppress_cert_check = On
; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
; allow_envelope_sender = Off
Hi @noor2k9,
To use Google’s SMTP service, you need to enable “less secure applications” in your Google configuration – see
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
dear asmecher
thanks again for your reply .
Actually i have already enabled less secure apps.
Everything is working with me . email can be sent. paper can be submitted . but there is only that warning or error that clients face at the time of submitting paper. how to get rid of this warning…