Themes not show up in the setup page

Dear all,
What might be the problems when installed themes do not show up in the setup page (drop down menu)? But It is already in plugin and checked


Can you explain a bit in detail? Which software, which version, which theme, how did you install the theme?

best regards,

Sorry, we tried this for the journal site theme in the latest ojs release. We installed it via server, download zip file, extract and rename.

Maaf pak, apakah ini sudah berhasil? Saya juga punya masalah yang sama. Saya sudah upload salah satu theme ke direktori plugin, sudah saya aktifkan juga melalui halaman administrasi, tapi tidak muncul di menu “appearance”.

Mohon sarannya.


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Maaf pak, apakah ini sudah berhasil?