I’m testing an upgrade from OJS 3 to OJS 3.1
I followed the instructions under #1 full package https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/UPGRADE and realized that the instructions did not include moving the plugin/themes folder over to the new install. I did so, activated the theme, selected the theme, and refreshed the journal, but I don’t see the updated CSS/templates. Am I missing something?
That also leads to my bigger misunderstanding. When modifying child themes, do I need to clear cache on the OJS system to see the changes, or should they be automatically visible?
Finally, the page header logo appearance seems problematic. When trying to delete it from the admin interface, I get this response “{“status”:false,“content”:”",“elementId”:“0”,“events”:null}" on this call http://web.stanford.edu/group/ojs/cgi-bin/ojs31/ojs/index.php/intersect/$$$call$$$/tab/settings/website-settings-tab/delete-file?fileSettingName=pageHeaderLogoImage&tab=appearance and nothing happens. The delete file modal does not close until I click Cancel.
Thank you for your help!