When I try to Schedule For Publiction an article, I have a pop-up - The requested URL was not recognized.
In the console it writes: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
My system OJS version
OS platform FreeBSD
PHP version 7.4.0
Apache version Apache/2.2.34 (FreeBSD)
Database driver mysql
Database server version 5.5.62-log
Server http logs shows:
[Wed Jun 16 12:37:47 2021] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Declaration of ManageCopyeditFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = NULL) should be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = NULL, $fileStage = NULL, …$functionArgs) in /sata2/home/users/ozhurnal/www/ojs.ozhurnal.com/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/copyedit/form/ManageCopyeditFilesForm.inc.php on line 33, referer: http://ojs.ozhurnal.com/index.php/files/workflow/index/83/4
Thanks for being patient. This took me a while to figure out because I needed to set up my own 3.3 install. I had a hunch and needed to test it.
It turns out that when you schedule for publication, the API handler call ultimately first lands in the index.php file present in /api/v1/submissions/index.php and that file examines the $requestPath to see if it should route it to the files handler by doing:
if (strpos($requestPath, '/files')) {
return new PKPSubmissionFileHandler();
And in your case, the $requestPath would be /index.php/files/api/v1/submissions/65/publications/65 because your journal path is “files” and what’s happening here is that index.php is seeing the /files bit and sending the request to the wrong handler because it thinks you’re doing something with files, when you are in fact not. You’re getting a 404 “end point not found” error because the schedule for publication end points are not in the API handler that’s being called.
I duplicated this locally and the problem goes away if I change my journal path to something else.
I’m tagging @asmecher and @NateWr because this is probably a bug (I’ve never seen a journal created with a path of “files” before).